Who to Notify when you Move

Congratulations, you are moving home and you must be wondering who do i need to notify when i move. Indeed this is the right time to spread the word! Don't panic, because we've put together jaw-dropping tips on who to notify when you move to help you overcome not only this, but much more moving house who to notify challenges.
Everything is here on house and how to inform the relevant parties and establishments with direct links, thus creating a total stress-free environment. And most importantly, to deliver a step by step easy and a hassle-free relocation solution.
Who to Notify When Moving House
There is lots to remember when you are moving property, and it is absolutely vital that you inform the relevant individuals and authorities of change of your address. Our jaw dropping tips on Who to notify of change of address and Change of Address Checklist is a compilation of important organisation and companies you should notfiy when you are relocating.
This is to begin a new adventure of your life restarting from your new address. Here is what you need to do when you move.
Change of Address Who to Notify
Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)
Electoral Register and Building Society
Vehicle Registration Certificate
Change of Address Checklist UK
Who to Notify When Moving House
Via our website, also discover pages on change of address full moving checklist, moving tips and packing tricks and much more, just under one roof as a complete ultimate moving guide solution.